Les plans du département de français Année scolaire 2017-2018

retraiteThe Bishop Allen French Department has planned another exciting year. This month, Senior French classes welcomed representatives from the University of Ottawa as well as Glendon University to discuss future opportunities, programs of study as well as bursaries and scholarships. In addition, students will prepare for the French for the Future National Essay contest by engaging in a composition that illustrates the beauty of their city. This month, a number of classes will experience an outing to L’Alliance française to watch a French movie as well as visit the “librairie” (bookstore) to see the many French materials available to French students. The month of October and November have also included a number of wonderful retreats to the various religion classes to the Mary Ward Centre, St. Jude Academy, St. Francis table and Queen of the Apostle Retreat Centre. These visits enabled students to connect to their faith as well as put into practice their core beliefs. The New Year promises a renewed love of language learning through various trips planned to Quebec as well as Europe. In February, Mr. Warren will accompany a group of students to St. Donat to experience French culture and language as well as some time to ski. During the March Break, Mr. Di Paola will be traveling to France, Italy and Spain with a group of students. Finally, a reminder to students the French clinic runs every Monday in the Library after school from 3pm to 4 pm. Students of all grades and levels may visit the clinic to reinforce their studies or seek extra help with a teacher. À la prochaine!

Concours d’Art Oratoire 2017 – Gagnants de BA!

E et AGroup 2Group 3

Les participants de BA au Concours d’Art Oratoire 2017 de TCDSB sont les suivants: Anastasiya Hayhut, Elisabetta Gagliardi, Anna Kobylansky, Pamela Alamilla, Edwin Jiang et Christine Reeve.

Félicitations à tous les participants, surtout aux médaillés:

Edwin, Christine & Elisabetta – Médaille de bronze

Anna – Médaille d’argent

Pamela* – Médaille d’or

*N.B. Pamela Alamilla a remporté également la 3e place au niveau provincial du Concours d’Art Oratoire! Bravo!

Les élèves à la Paroisse du Sacré-Coeur

Paroisse2016Paroisse2016ANotre communauté a eu l’occasion de célébrer sa foi à la paroisse francophone du Sacré-Coeur. Les élèves des programmes de francais intensif et immersion ont feté le début de l’Avent en compagnie du Père Thong, pour se préparer à la venue de Jésus. Les élèves ont beaucoup apprecié les talents musicaux du curé.